I Will work for the benefit of our community & future Coronado generations.

About MARK

To my great satisfaction, my story is a very happy one.  I worked my way through the University of San Diego and my first job after graduation in 1980 was as a real estate salesman. It was the worst of times in several decades in the real estate industry, but the field was always my goal, and I am glad I stuck with it.

My first career stop was with a firm run by a Naval Aviator, Sherwood Ritchie, founder of Cotton-Ritchie. I became the top producer and after 7 years with the firm, I began a property management and brokerage business with a colleague. With time, my focus expanded to also serving as an asset manager and in private lending. In addition to my past Realtor-Associate status, I am licensed as a commercial real estate appraiser, and I have been appraising commercial properties for over 30 years. Another aspect of my career is that I hold a Professional Fiduciary License and consult clients on real estate decisions. In terms of personal investments, I have been fortunate to acquire some income properties and until recently, I managed them until I opted to relinquish that role to a management company.

My relationship with Coronado began in the mid 1980’s when I dated a young lady who lived on the Island and through her met what has turned out to be many lifelong friends. The late Lorton Mitchel had just started his construction company and Hector Esquer would soon own and operate the Night & Day Café and there were many more of us who played for Miguel’s softball team.

I met my life partner, Ramona Turner, CHS Class of 1977. Shortly there after I purchased the house we live in today and we married a few months later. Our daughter, Johanna, was born in 1999 and our son, Jake, in 2003. Johanna graduated from CHS and was the recipient of the Molly McGowan and the Big Kahuna awards in 2018 and went on to graduate from Baylor University. Johanna now lives and works in Dallas but comes home several times a year. Jake also graduated from CHS in 2021. With a dream of serving our country as a naval officer, Jake is currently a rising senior majoring in Ocean Engineering at Texas A&M University. Jake is in the Corps of Cadets, and he is a member of the prestigious Ross Volunteers. We recognized early on that Coronado was a special place to raise children and we are forever grateful that we were able to provide this opportunity for our kids. They are great young adults and I give much credit to our Coronado community.

In 2004, we wanted to expand our friendships and social lives, so we joined the Coronado Yacht Club. Within 2 years I was on the Board of Directors and in 2011 I served as the Commodore. I have served on most of the Club’s Committee’s, most notably the Finance Committee for the past 18 years and counting. We are grateful for the great friends we have made and the experiences we have shared.

After my Commodore year I joined Rotary and found like-minded people who want to serve their community. I served on the Rotary Board and oversaw Youth Services. In this capacity I helped to reinstate the program of having CHS Seniors attend our meetings, a tradition that is continuing.

Never one to sit still, I currently serve on the Boards of the Coronado Maritime Foundation and the California Plaza Owner’s Association. I am also currently the Chair of the City of Coronado’s Historic Resource Commission.

I feel that now is a good time for me to step up and serve my community in a larger capacity.  I have extensive experience dealing with the Port of San Diego, the California Coastal Commission and several cities in the County.  I believe my involvement in business for 40+ years, together with my civic and public interactions gives me a unique perspective to serve the people of Coronado.

I am a fair-minded person who has a proven track record of working well with others.  I believe the opinion of every person matters and I am keenly interested in preserving all that is good about Coronado.  I can assure you and I am confident I will effectively and fairly serve our residents and help preserve all the great qualities of our Island community.

“A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm”.

— Henrik lbsen


Coronado requires proven leadership. I have been a community leader for over 20 years leading multiple organizations in our community. The following are some of the larger organizations I have been actively involved with.

Coronado Yacht Club

I was elected to the Board of Directors in 2007 to serve as the Secretary. I then moved up the chairs to Treasure, Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore and serving in 2011 as the Commodore. I’ve chaired numerous committees, subcommittees and ad hoc committees at the club including Membership, Nominating Planning, Junior Advisory, Investment Subcommittee and the Finance Committee which have been on for 18 continuous years and am currently the ranking Member. I have experience working directly with the city of Coronado, the Port of San Diego, the State Lands Commission and the California Coastal Commission. The Membership has awarded me the two highest honors bestowed upon a Member: the “Greg Walker Service Award” as the inaugural recipient and the “Early Eager Beaver Award”.

Coronado Maritime Foundation

I was asked to join his board in 2016 and have served as the Treasurer since 2018 to present. I joined this worthy board as it provides enrichment through maritime programs of education training competition and recreation based on the Corinthian spirit. The young people from Coronado and nearby communities are the future. CMF is there to promote learning, understanding, teamwork, respect and the unforgettable feeling of accomplishment through competitive boating.

City of Coronado Historic Resource Commission

I am currently serving my second year at the HRC. I was elected chairperson of the commission by my fellow commissioners in January 2024. I have attended and contributed to every meeting. The city of Coronado recognizes that there are unique and valuable resources within the community that reflect the city’s cultural and historical heritage and enhance community character. Towards that effort the committee determines historic significance of buildings; as well as for required review of structures that are 75 or more years old which a project is proposed that includes demolition of original features visible from the street right away. The Commission also deals with Historic Resource Alteration Permits and Historic Resource Preservation Agreements (Mills Act).


I joined Rotary in 2011 and was elected to the board in 2012. I served as the Youth Services Director. During this time, among my many activities, I reinstituted the program of having senior high school students attending meetings. This also involved having all of the seniors who attended the past year’s meetings run a club meeting. I was approached to be the President of the Club in 2016. I reluctantly declined this invitation due to my work schedule. I did not feel I could devote the time and attention needed for this prominent position.

California Plaza Homeowners Association

I was elected in 2019 as the president of the board. I held this position for two years and stepped down in 2019, due to my work schedule, to serve as the Treasurer where I currently serve. The property is currently under a very large renovation program. I have been an active participant in the planning and execution of this project.